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How to Balance School and Mental Health

Updated: Sep 12, 2021

Samantha Hanson, Junior, IBDP student, NHS member

We all hit a point in high school where balancing ourselves and our goals seems impossible. As a junior in high school who has experienced that feeling of overwhelming stress many times, I am here to tell you that it is possible to take time for yourself and also achieve your goals.

Number one, you have to plan a set time to take care of yourself. Now many of us write homework and due dates in our planners in order to make it a priority, but we tend to throw our mental health out the window. The most important thing to do is prioritize breaks just as much as anything else in your life. I know it seems so hard to take a 10 minutes break when you have a final the next day, but the truth is that you will always do better when prioritizing yourself.

Whether it is stress, anxiety, or other internal struggles, your mental health has to come first. Now you are probably reading this thinking how great it sounds to watch Netflix everyday and relax, but that is not necessarily what I am saying either. Carve out anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour every day to take care of yourself. Whether that is doing a hobby you love, taking a nap, or watching a movie, it will give your brain the time it needs to rest. As someone who is very engaged in school and extracurricular activities, I know how hard it is to let yourself relax. But the truth is, you will do better on whatever it is that is stressing you out, once you have fueled your brain properly.

At some point, sleeping before a big exam is going to benefit you more than studying all night. But I understand that working hard and achieving your goals is just as important as sleep sometimes. A lot of us high school students tend to think, “oh, I can sleep once this project is over”. But by pushing ourselves past our own limits, we slowly burn ourselves out. But, if we take the time to give ourselves daily breaks and prioritize them just as much as anything else, we can last longer and accomplish our goals in a way less stressful manner.

Okay, number two might sound silly, but it is very important. Make sure to reward yourself and celebrate for your accomplishments. Most of us feel that we have to keep pushing and going all the time, which I totally understand, but ultimately rewarding yourself with little things is a small and easy way to give yourself love. After a super long project or a stressful essay, I always make sure to plan out a reward at the end. Whether it is going to Target or even eating ice cream, I try to take the time to be proud. Many of the things that us students do on a daily basis are very demanding, and we tend to forget how important it is to be proud of ourselves.

Lastly, be mindful of your time. I am fully aware that this sounds so cliche, but it really is easier said than done. By spreading out our work and not procrastinating, we can also take the time to take care of ourselves. I know that personally it really helps if I decide what the day is going to be like by making lists. If I get all of my work done on time then I can take the time to do yoga, play with my dogs, or watch my favorite tv show. But the point is, if we spread out our work then we won’t feel as overwhelmed. It should always be a priority to fuel your mind and your body each day. By giving ourselves permission to relax, we also give ourselves the capability to accomplish all of our goals.

Remember, you got this!!

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